Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earthquake in LA

Matt just called from work to tell me that there was an earthquake in LA. He felt it for several seconds. Little ol' me was washing the dishes at home, totally oblivious. How did I miss it? Such a bummer. I love natural disasters...


Sarah said...

I missed it too out here in El Cajon. I'm bummed.

Linden said...

Oh, thank you! I can finally come out of the closet, say in in public: Hi, my name is Linden, and I love natural disasters.

You'll love NASA's Natural Hazards site. Great satellite pictures from all over the world. They call it "hazards," but you and I both know the right word is "disasters."

The Tilted Tulip said...


us East County folks miss out on all the fun...


natural disasters are SO awesome! i like being part of something that's much bigger than me and totally out of my control...

Allie said...

you're funny. i like you.

matt kirkland said...

Linden! That's awesome. I think it's because Disasters are just big, outsized cases of Weather. I read this once:

"Everyone begins as a child by liking Weather. You learn the art of disliking it is you grown up. Noticed it on a snowy day? The grown-ups are all going about with long faces, but look at the children - and the dogs? They know what snow's made for."

Linden said...

@mrs. rangoon: You are so right. The Mildrens don't seem so excited about them, but I really want to feel an earthquake someday.

@matt kirkland: Love the quote! Guess I never learned that "art." Thankfully!

The Tilted Tulip said...


Right back at ya! Too bad you weren't still in town to feel the ground shakin'. :)