Monday, November 05, 2007

I'm sorry for your loss.

That's what the friendly Pakistani tech-support guy said about my hard drive last night. I mean, shoot, we were close - but that's a pretty intense consolation for the loss of a machine.

Matt here, folks, posting in Erika's stead for the day. We're having a little hard drive trouble on the home computer (and by trouble I mean its death, and our denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). Erika says to let you know her posting will be slim until we get this resolved.

Anybody know a good computer mortuary?


kjl said...

Bummer, friends. I'm sorry too!

matt kirkland said...

Eh, we had a good run together. At least four years, including one in which we left it in a moldy basement. It might have been its time.

Dorothy said...

R.I.P. That sucks. It makes me wonder what they actually did without computers. We have an extra printer (that came free w/ our new laptop) but no computer. We have been pretty pleased with our Apple and would highly recommend it...but then again I don't know much about computers.

Laura said...

That just happened to Randall, too! There must be something pretty nasty going around. I'm going to keep ours quarantined. A lesson for all of us: BACK UP!

Jane said...

So. Not. Cool. I'm sorry!

Emily said...

Yah, Randall shipped his off to Michigan (or something) to see if they could get anything off of the hard drive. They didn't recover anything.
But he said one of the tricks is putting the hard drive in the freezer for a bit. That may revive it long enough to get a few things off of it if you need it.
But we know how much that sucks! Sorry.

blewis said...

The hard-drive-in-the-freezer trick is really funny. Reminds me of when I used to stick batteries in my armpits. Any details on how it's supposed to work?

Anonymous said...

I asked Randall what happens when you put a hard drive in the freezer. He said something confusing about a pin plate and I zoned out. But I found this:

matt kirkland said...

Brad, is that the trick that makes your nipples light up?

blewis said...

Ha! High beams.

Randall via Anonymous-- thanks for the link.

James said...

I do know of an ancient, mountain-top hard drive burial site native americans constructed thousands of years ago to bring back their lost loved ones... But you wouldn't be interested in a thing like that. Or would you?